New book release
New book release
We are pleased to announce that in February 2025, the edited volume ‘Varieties of Economic Nationalism in Cold War Europe. Small State Responses to Economic Changes, 1960s-1980s’ (Bloomsbury Academic, London 2025), edited by Adrian Brisku (Charles University Prague), Martin Gumiela and Lars Fredrik Stöcker (both University of Vienna) was released.
The edited volume was funded by the Austrian Science Fund (FWF) and is the result of a collaboration involving the project "A Breach in the System. The Polonia Firms 1976 - 1994".
The book is open access and can be downloaded here.
New project member
New project member
We are pleased to welcome Dr. Stephanie Weismann as a new team member who is joining our team on 1 July 2024! She is a cultural historian and her research interests include, among others, the history of smell, sensory history and the history of everyday life. As part of the project Stephanie Weismann will be mainly researching the history of one of the largest Polonia firms, "Inter-Fragrances".